Kane County Holds June 11 Public Hearing on Revised Stormwater Ordinance Exemptions
People seeking exemptions to the revisions in Kane County’s stormwater ordinance are invited to a June 11 public hearing at the Kane County Government Center in Geneva.
The hearing will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 11, in the County Board Room of the Government Center’s Building “A”, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Geneva.
During the meeting, written comments may be presented and comments may be heard orally in respect to the Revised Kane County Stormwater Ordinance Exemption List.
Generally, the revisions incorporate ordinance language from the Technical Manual, address conflicting language within the ordinance, make the ordinance more user friendly, add requirements for water quality/best management practices, standardize detention triggers, promote redevelopment and provide watershed benefit options that encourage farmland preservation.
Jodie Wollnik, director of the Kane County Division of Environment & Water Resources, points out that property owners and developers will have the opportunity to request an exemption from some of the new requirements of the ordinance.
“We want to draw specific attention to small projects with between 5,000 square feet and 25,000 square feet of new surface such as gravel, roof or pavement,” she said in a previous news release. “Under the proposed revisions, these projects will now require a Best Management Practice such as a rain garden or infiltration trench. If your project falls within these parameters, we recommend contacting your community to discuss if the project would be eligible for an exemption.”
Notice of Public Hearing
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on June 11, 2019, at 4:00 pm, in the County Board Room, Kane County Government Center, Building “A”, 719 South Batavia Ave, Geneva, Illinois 60134, a public meeting will be held by the County of Kane, Illinois (the “County”), before the Kane County Stormwater Management Planning Committee, at which time any interested person may file with the Director of Environmental & Water Resources written comments to and may be heard orally in respect to the Revised Kane County Stormwater Ordinance Exemption List. The developments that have requested Exemptions from the Ordinance changes can be viewed at https://www.kanecountystormwaterupdate.org. CONTACT: Jodie Wollnik, Director of Environmental & Water Resources, 719 Batavia Ave, Geneva, IL 60134 – phone 630-232-3497. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act and other federal and state laws, the public meeting is accessible to those with disabilities.
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- Act Quickly If You Want an Exemption From County’s Revised Stormwater Ordinance
- March 21 Public Hearing Set For Kane County Stormwater Ordinance Revisions