May 21 Is Crossing Guard Appreciation Day!
Hey, if you get a chance on Tuesday (May 21, 2019), say a quick thank you to your favorite school crossing guard.
The state of Illinois has declared Tuesday, May 21, as Crossing Guard Appreciation Day to honor of the men and women who help ensure the safety of students throughout Illinois as they walk and bike to school.
“Crossing guards are an integral part of creating safe routes to school for children,” said Acting Illinois Transportation Secretary Omer Osman. “Throughout the school year, they are a friendly face that can be found in rain, sun and snow, guiding our students to safety and providing parents with peace of mind.”
Roughly 420 pedestrians ages 8 to 14, on average, are hurt in vehicle-related incidents every year in Illinois. Without crossing guards, this number would likely be much higher.
Crossing guards not only serve as a visual reminder to motorists to slow down in school zones where children are crossing, but also help students learn safe pedestrian habits, such as looking both ways before stepping onto the road and walking bikes across the street.
To share your thoughts about what the crossing guard in your community means to you or to recognize a special crossing guard at your school, please visit IDOT’s Facebook page here.
SOURCE: state of Illinois news release