Kane Sheriff's Office Offers Help To Seniors During Extreme Heat

Kane Sheriff’s Office Offers Help To Seniors During Extreme Heat

The Kane Couny Sheriff’s Office has put together a list of seniors in the community that may require additional support during the heat this weekend.

Sheriff Ron Hain said deputies will be going to homes to ensure the senior residents are comfortable and not in need of any additional services.

If you know of an elderly person that may need support, please feel free to email sheriff’s Det. Krysta Kaus at kauskrysta@co.kane.il.us, call the Sheriff’s Office main line at 630-232-6840 and ask for her, or text a tip at 847411.

“We hope everyone can monitor their activities this weekend and avoid heat exhaustion or other heat related illness,” Hain said. “Never hesitate to call 9-1-1 if you need immediate assistance.”

SOURCE: Kane County Sheriff’s Office news release

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