‘No Clean Water, No Good Beer’ Fundraiser Aug. 5 in East Dundee
The Friends of the Fox River are holding a craft-beer fundraiser to support the organization’s commitment to clean, restore, and protect the Fox River and surrounding watershed.
“No Clean Water – No Good Beer!” will be held from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday, Aug. 5, at Bandito Barney’s Beach Club & Bordello in downtown East Dundee.
This is the Friends of the Fox River’s fifth annual fundraiser, and the fun night includes local craft beer sampling, frequent raffle drawings for great prizes, and a silent auction for deals on goods and service from favorite local businesses.
Friends of the Fox River was founded in 1990 and to date has a well-established presence in schools through its water quality monitoring education program, Stewards of Our Streams.
The experiences provided by Friends of the Fox River allow young learners to actually get in the water and sample aquatic life in their local stream, learning ways to evaluate water quality based on the data they collect.
Other initiatives include shoreline and canoe clean-ups known as “Love Our River Days” and acting as a voice for the Fox River and the resources it provides to its hundreds of thousands of watershed residents.
Visit the Friends of the Fox River website to learn more about the organization and its activities.
About Friends of the Fox River
The mission of the Friends of the Fox River is to preserve, restore and protect the Fox River Watershed’s resources by connecting people with nature through education, research, restoration and advocacy.
Friends of the Fox River is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization made up of citizens and organizations taking action to protect and maintain the quality of the Fox River and its tributaries.
Through its programs and activities, the organization encourages both adults and students to become involved in protecting the river and its watershed.
Each year, more than 4,500 citizens participate in Friends of the Fox River programs including a water quality monitoring program (Fox River Watershed Monitoring Network), river and stream cleanups, river habitat improvement projects, and water quality education events.