St. Charles Wal-Mart Evacuated When Patrons Spot Masked Man

(CREDIT: Google Maps)
A Wal-Mart in St. Charles was evacuated this morning (Friday, Aug. 9, 2019) when someone spotted a masked man entering the store.

(CREDIT: Google Maps)
The evacuation comes on the heels of mass shootings in El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH, a panicky exit of Times Square due to a backfiring truck, the evacuation of the USA Today complex in suburban Washington and multiple reports of store evacuations as Americans become anxious and wary of shooting tragedies.
The St. Charles Police Department reported today that police received a call at around 10:09 a.m. saying a masked subject had entered the Wal-Mart at 150 Smith Road.
Police said Wal-Mart management “took precautionary measures and evacuated the store.”
St. Charles police, assisted by Geneva and West Chicago police, cleared the Wal-Mart building and located the subject.
“It was determined that the subject was wearing a medical device due to recent medical treatment,” St. Charles police Cmdr. Mike Griesbaum said in a news release. “There was no criminal activity involved in the incident.”
SOURCE: St. Charles Police Department news release