Kane County 2019 Exports Grant Program Gives You Up To $10,000

Kane County 2019 Exports Grant Program Gives You Up To $10,000

Would you like $10,000 to grow your export business?

A pyramid of balls with the word Import on most of them and one marked Export and an arrow in it, symbolizing a trade imbalance and the need to focus more on exporting and less on importing goodsKane County officials announced today that the county will match any Chicago Regional Growth Corporation Export Initiative grant of up to $5,000 — a program established last year to help small- and mid-sized businesses grow in international trade, specifically through exports.

The Chicago Regional Growth Corporation Export Initiative awards grants up to $5,000 to businesses throughout Northeastern Illinois — in the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will.

The Kane County Exports Grant Program provides an additional incentive: Companies located in Kane County that apply for, and are awarded, a grant from the Chicago Regional Growth Corporation, are eligible for up to an additional $5,000 from Kane County to reimburse 50 percent of eligible expenses associated with implementing an export plan.

The goals of the Chicago Regional Growth Corporation is to fill gaps in regional development initiatives, grow regionally strong industry clusters, connect assets and build stronger regional networks and build a strong regional identity.

How To Apply

(CRGC) Exports is accepting applications! Small and medium-sized companies that can demonstrate a comprehensive export strategy and have not previously received more than one grant from CRGC or Metro Chicago Exports.

The Grant Program provides companies with a 50% reimbursement of eligible export activities, up to $5,000.

If your business is interested in the CRGC Exports Grant Program, click on this link and fill out the form. Completing the Grant Program application is not a guarantee of an award.

Chicago Regional Growth Corporation staff will evaluate your company’s Grant Program Application and get in touch with you.

The 2019 Grant Program will be open on a rolling basis until Sept.16, 2019.

Eligibility Requirements

Before submitting the grant application, the company should check that you meet all of the following requirements:

  • Registered to do business in one of the following seven counties: Cook (including the City of Chicago), DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, or Will
  • Meets the Small Business Administration’s definition of a small business – under 500 employees
  • Been in business for at least one year from the date on which the application is submitted
  • Operating profitably, based on domestic operations
  • Provides a product/service manufactured in metro Chicago or made outside the region from which metro Chicago will derive a significant benefit from increased international sales or investment
  • No legal liabilities which inhibit performance of grant/exporting
  • Must be willing to share results from use of grant funds in the form of survey feedback or potential success stories.

Be prepared to answer the following short essay questions in the grant application:

  • Say why your product has global appeal. What are your immediate export goals and how would the CRGC Exports Grant Program assist you in meeting them?
  • Who wants your product or service? What are your specific target markets?
  • What specific changes to your marketing strategy are necessary to successfully export to new markets?
  • What challenges have you faced taking your product international? Are there any financial or organizational constraints your company will face in meeting your export goals?

If you have any questions please call 312-763-3643 or e-mail iiakusheva@chicagoregionalgrowth.com

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