Meet Pam Otto And The Tyler Creek Watershed Coalition Sept. 18 at Hawthorne Hill Nature Center

Meet Pam Otto And The Tyler Creek Watershed Coalition Sept. 18 at Hawthorne Hill Nature Center

Get a chance to learn about water quality sampling and meet Pam Otto, St. Charles Park District naturalist author of the popular Good Natured column series, Wednesday (Sept. 18, 2019) at the Tyler Creek Water Shed Coalition’s annual meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday (Sept. 18, 2019 at

Pam Otto

The program for the evening is “Stream Water Quality as Determined by Indicator Species.”

The TCWC is a 501(c)3 Scientific and Educational, not for profit corporation, that monitors the conditions and water quality in the Tyler Creek Watershed.

Monthly samples of creek water are collected in seven locations in Elgin and checked for several characteristics such as dissolved O2, coliform bacteria and turbidity. These are tests for the chemical and physical qualities of the creek water.

The September program will show how a biological measurement can be used to judge the water quality of a stream. This program is free and open to the public.