UPDATE: Aurora, Elgin, St. Charles To Host Sept. 11 Remembrance Ceremonies
- Editor’s Note: This article has been updatedd on Sept. 5 and will be updated again if there are additional announcements of ceremonies in Kane County. If your community or civic organization is hosting an event open to the public, email kanecountyconnects@gmail.com.
Aurora Resident, September 11 Survivor to Share Her Story at Memorial Ceremony
She was working in her office on the 38th floor of World Trade Center 1 on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 when her life — and the world — would change forever.
Aurora resident Shaila Zerin-Anwar remembers the details of that fateful morning vividly — even 18 years later.
From holding her desk with both hands thinking the building was going to fall after the plane struck to being in a crowded dark stairwell when she heard the plane hit the second tower to running through the streets of Manhattan covered in dust after watching both towers in flames and subsequently collapsing.
Zerin-Anwar, who moved to Aurora with her husband in 2006, will be the guest speaker at the City of Aurora’s annual September 11 Memorial Ceremony at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, at the Aurora Central Fire Station, 75 N. Broadway.
“September 11 will always be a time of mix emotions for me,” said Zerin-Anwar, a software engineer and mother of three. “It was a day filled with shock and loss, but also with sacrifice, kindness and unity. The city and country came together in a way that will stay with me forever.”
Commemorating the 18th anniversary of the tragedies in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania, the ceremony will feature a Presentation of Colors and Wreath Laying Ceremony by the combined Aurora Fire and Police Honor Guards with additional remarks from Aurora Police Chief Kristen Ziman, Aurora Fire Deputy Chief John Gilbert and Aurora Mayor Richard C. Irvin.
“After experiencing another tragedy earlier this year in our own city, the ceremony reminds us that we must never forget those who perished, those who sacrificed, those who were impacted and the times in life that both challenge and unite us. We must always remember,” said Mayor Richard C. Irvin.
The ceremony is open to the public.
Elgin Hosts September 11 Ceremony at Civic Center Plaza
In partnership with the American Legion, the city of Elgin will host its annual September 11 Remembrance Ceremony at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, at the Civic Center Plaza, 150 Dexter Court, located behind City Hall within the Robert Gilliam Municipal Complex.
All are invited to attend this service to remember those in public service who lost their lives and to honor those who continue to serve today.
Seating is limited. Participants may want to consider bringing a chair.
For more information, please contact Special Events Coordinator Kate O’Leary at 847-931-6770 or visit cityofelgin.org/events.
St. Charles Holding September 11th Remembrance Ceremony
National Day of Service
September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance is the culmination of efforts, originally launched in 2002 that promotes community service on 9/11 as an annual and forward-looking tribute to the 9/11 victims, survivors, and those who rose up in service in response to the attacks.