You’re Invited To First-Ever, Historic River-Length Cleanup — ‘It’s Our Fox River Day’ — Set For Sept. 21
If you care about the local environment, you and your family might want to take part in a historic and unprecedented Fox River cleanup event set for Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019.
Friends of the Fox River is coordinating “It’s Our Fox River Day — A Watershed Wide Celebration,” and it’s the first-ever river-length clean up on the entire Fox River from Waukesha, WI, to Ottawa, IL.
The community-building event is being produced in collaboration with communities and organizations throughout the Fox River watershed. Friends of the Fox River invites you to join in this historic event by organizing or supporting a cleanup and celebration of the Fox River in your community.
Residents within Kane County and the Fox River Watershed are encouraged to volunteer at a cleanup or just go down to the river and pick up litter. Other ways to help celebrate the river include, but are not limited to: a canoe cleanup, bike trail cleanup, a family creek walk, birding, fishing, paddling, riverside yoga, a community water blessing, art making, or a river photography workshop.
Municipalities, schools, and community organizations are asked to organize an event in their community, and Friends of the Fox River is here to support!
Friends of the Fox River will support local organizers by:
- Helping plan the event.
- Assisting in obtaining site permissions, permits and providing insurance.
- Publicizing local events with a dedicated webpage and regular social media posts.
- Helping you recruit, register, inform and thank volunteers.
Friends of the Fox River can also support local events by providing:
- An environmental education exhibit (an Enviroscape) with a trained demonstrator.
- A Friends of the Fox River board member to attend local events and speak briefly and/or conduct a water ceremony.
- One of six speakers who offer presentations about the history, health, protection, and future of the Fox River.
A guide to planning and conducting a cleanup is on the Friends of the Fox River website along with other information explaining the purpose of “It’s Our Fox River Day” and a form to register your event, no matter how big or small your group might be.
For questions and suggestions regarding this event, contact FOFR Executive Director Gary Mechanic at or 773-590-0710.
About Friends of the Fox River
Friends of the Fox River preserves, restores and protects the Fox River Watershed’s resources by connecting people with nature through education, research, restoration and advocacy. For more information, visit