14 Will Graduate Oct. 17 From Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court

14 Will Graduate Oct. 17 From Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court

The Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court will hold a graduation ceremony at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019, at the Kane County Branch Court, 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles.

The ceremony marks the completion of an intensive program of comprehensive substance abuse and other treatment and accountability for the 14 men and women scheduled to graduate.

Master of ceremonies for the graduation will be Kane County Drug Court Judge Marmarie Kostelny.

The graduation will include a video by Drug Court graduates and will include participants’ testimonials.

Program Coordinator Alicia Klimpke said the graduation is open to the public, and worthy of celebration.

“The commencement ceremony on Oct. 17 is evidence of the tremendous impact the Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court has had on our community and will show how Drug Courts are a proven solution to an addiction crisis in our community and nationwide,” she said.

Like the other 2,600 operational drug courts in the United States, the Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court is a judicially-supervised court docket that reduces correctional costs, protects community safety, and improves public welfare.

In drug courts, seriously drug-addicted individuals remain in treatment while under close supervision.

Drug Court participants are required to complete all necessary treatment and are regularly and randomly tested for drug use. Participants are required to appear frequently in court for the judge to review their progress. They are rewarded for doing well and sanctioned for not living up to their obligations.

Research continues to show that drug courts work better than jail or prison and better than treatment alone.

Statistics show that drug courts are this nation’s most effective strategy at reducing recidivism among seriously drug-addicted, non-violent offenders with long criminal histories. Nationally, 75% of individuals who complete drug court are not re-arrested.

Drug Courts save as much as $27 for every $1 invested.

SOURCE: Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court news release