Volunteers Needed To Deliver Meals on Wheels in Kane County

Volunteers Needed To Deliver Meals on Wheels in Kane County

Kane Senior Council is in need of volunteers to deliver meals to frail and homebound seniors in Kane County.

Tasha Samuels, director and information services/development associate for both the DuPage Senior Citizens Council and Kane Senior Council, said the Kane County organization’s need for volunteers is especially acute.

“While Kane Senior Council is a new organization, we have deep roots in the senior community,” she said. “In fact, our roots go back to 1975 when the DuPage Senior Citizens Council began advocating and providing services for seniors in need in DuPage County.”

Meals on Wheels are delivered from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. five days a week, Monday through Friday. Deliveries typically take an hour.

Requirements to volunteer are a valid driver’s license, current car insurance, a background check and to attend a volunteer training.

In addition to Meals on Wheels drivers, KSC is in need of volunteers for its Community Dining locations to help serve food to those seniors that attend Community Dining.

If interested in delivering meals or any of our volunteer opportunities, visit the KSC website at www.KaneSeniorCouncil.org or contact KSC at 630-338-0999 for more information.

The DuPage Senior Citizens Council/ Kane Senior Council is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3), volunteer-driven organization, dedicated to helping seniors live with safety and dignity.  Kane Senior Council provides Meals on Wheels, Community Dining, Well-Being Checks, Pet Care & Food Assistance and Intergenerational Activities.

SOURCE: Kane Senior Council news release