One Earth Film Festival Seeks Members For Youth Advisory Council

One Earth Film Festival Seeks Members For Youth Advisory Council

The One Earth Film Festival is seeking young people from Kane County to serve on the festival’s Youth Advisory Council.

According to a One Earth Film Festival news release, Youth Advisory Council members meet one or two times a month to discuss strategies for incorporating issues that and important to young people into the festival’s 2020 agenda, as well as to attract more youth to attend and participate in the festival.

Youth will actually help review, evaluated and select films for the One Earth Film Festival 2020 lineup. The festival takes place from March 6 to March 15, 2020.

Youths also will have a chance to held lead the planning of three youth-focused screening events in March, from film selection to venue coordination to programming and marketing.

The invitation is part of a Seven Generations Ahead collaboartion called “It’s Our Future,” an effort to get more youth involved in environmental issues.

To apply, youths are asked to email

On March 23, young filmmakers got a chance to meet Jane Goodall in Chicago. (CREDIT: One Earth Film Festival website)

“It’s Our Future” is designed to alert our youth to this reality, build their leadership skills and equip them to take action. It includes:

Educating youth about climate change.

  • Building youth communication skills through a media workshop series – including radio show and pod cast series development; writing editorial articles; and facilitating community forums.
  • Equipping youth to create forums with youth and with our adult community leaders to learn about what they are doing to combat climate change and to advocate for policies and practices that are not happening.
  • Engaging youth through the One Earth Film Festival’s Youth Advisory Council in hosting film screenings that lead to action.
  • Involving youth in implementing the Environmental Sustainability Plan for Oak Park and River Forest through development of a Youth Core Team of PlanItGreen, and as the project expands regionally involving youth in taking action within their respective communities.
  • Equipping youth to participate on a national and international stage, including forums, trainings, demonstrations and UN Climate Summits that are being organized locally and across the globe.
  • Expanding the program to other Chicago metro area communities in 2020.

SOURCE: One Earth Film Festival news release and website, submitted by Kane County Department of Environmental & Water Resources

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