2020 Volunteer Opportunities Available With Forest Preserve District
Come learn about the volunteer opportunities available with the Forest Preserve District of Kane County at an upcoming Volunteer Orientation.
Volunteers are needed in the following areas: natural resources; environmental education; public safety; trails and recreation; and cultural and historic preservation.
“We’re looking for volunteers for over 30 different unique positions,” said Volunteer Coordinator Robb Cleave. “No matter what your interest or abilities, there is a way to get involved here at the district!”
Volunteers make a positive impact on the natural areas in Kane County. Potential volunteers will learn about district history, the natural history of Kane County, safety policies and all of our volunteer opportunities.
Orientation sessions for year 2020 are from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., on the following dates:
- Wednesday, Jan. 15
- Thursday, March 12
- Wednesday, May 6
- Thursday, July 16
- Wednesday, Sept. 9
- Thursday, Nov. 12
Sessions are held at Forest Preserve District Administrative Headquarters, 1996 S. Kirk Rd., Suite 320, Geneva.
For more information on volunteering for the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, or to RSVP for an orientation session, contact Volunteer Coordinator Robb Cleave at CleaveRobb@kaneforest.com.
SOURCE: Forest Preserve District of Kane County news release