‘Photos With Santa’ Raises $200 To Help Pets in Kane County
Kane County Animal Control raised more than $200 in donations last week during a “pet and family photo with Santa day” at Two Bostons in Geneva.
More than 40 families brought their dogs, cats and even a snake to pose with The Jolly Old Elf. The donations will help homeless pets that don’t have families with which to share this holiday season.
Brett Youngsteadt, administrator for Kane County Animal Control, thanked Two Bostons, Santa’s helpers John Lloyd and Brooklyn Youngsteadt, and photographer Lorena Page of Lorena Photography for their efforts.
“We had an amazing turn out, and the community was very generous to donate to us,” he said.
Proceeds go to Kane County Animal Control’s efforts to shelter, feed and find homes for stray pets.
For more information about Kane County Animal Control, visit KaneCountyPets.com.
SOURCE: Kane County Animal Control news release