North Aurora Police Seek Public’s Help to ID Smash-And-Grab Burglary Suspects
The North Aurora Police Department is seeking the public’s help to identify the suspects in two smash-and-grab burglaries that happened early Thursday morning (Jan. 9, 2020).
The offenders were targeting Automated Teller Machines and cash registers on North Aurora’s east side near River Road (IL Route 25) and Butterfield Road (IL Route 56).
Officers were dispatched at around 1:53 a.m. Thursday to a burglary alarm with glass break at the Citgo gas station,13 N. River Road.
While officers were en route at 1:55 a.m., another burglar alarm with interior motion was received from Jay’s Wine and Liquors, 188 Butterfield Road. The two locations are about 0.31 miles apart.
At Jay’s Wine & Liquors, officers discovered smashed glass in the front door and a missing cash register drawer containing an unknown amount of cash. A review of the video shows a blue Kia Sportage with silver wheels or wheel covers arrive at about 1:49 a.m.
One suspect used an object to smash the glass in the door but was unsuccessful. A second subject kicked the glass, gaining entry.
The subjects attempted to take the ATM machine but were unable because it appeared to be bolted to the floor. They then took the cash register drawer and left at about 1:51 a.m.
At Citgo, officers discovered smashed glass in the front door. An ATM and a cash register drawer containing an unknown amount of cash were taken.
A review of the video shows a blue Kia Sportage arrived at about 1:51 a.m. The first used an object, possibly a crow bar, to smash the glass in the door. Other suspects took the ATM machine and put it in the trunk of the vehicle.
The ATM was not bolted to the floor.
The suspects also took the cash register drawer and left at about 1:52 a.m.
The suspects are described as follows:
- Subject 1 was wearing a white mask, gray hoodie with hood pulled up, black pants, and gray gloves and was carrying a crow bar.
- Subject 2 was wearing a black mask, white and gray hoodie, black pants, and black gloves.
- Subject 3 was wearing a black hoodie and gray pants with black stripe, and bright orange gloves.
- Subject 4 was wearing black hoodie, black pants, and black gloves.
- Subject 5 was wearing light gray hoodie, white mask, and light-colored gloves. That man is identified as the driver.
Officers later found out that the blue Kia Sportage was reported stolen out of Wisconsin.
Anyone with information about these cases may reach the Investigations Division at 630-897-8705, Ext. 610. Anonymous tips may be left by calling 630-897-8705 and choosing Option 3. You can also call Aurora Area Crime Stoppers at 630-892-1000 and receive a reward for information leading to a felony arrest.
SOURCE: North Aurora Police Department news release