Kane County Board member Mike Kenyon is secretary treasurer of the Kane County Farm Bureau and has been a member since 1971. He also operates…
The Kane County Board on Tuesday reappointed Batavia Mayor Jeffery Schielke to a four-year term as the county’s representative on the Pace Board of Directors….
Kane County collected $1.5 million in impact fees, which paid for some major road improvements during the 2013 fiscal year. The Fiscal Year 2013…
Editor’s note: Got some interesting summertime news to share with Kane County Connects? Email your stories or links to ricknagel23@gmail.com. Be sure to include a photo,…
The hiring of two new employees in the Kane County Division of Environmental & Water Resources might not make a headline that grabs you…
While a lot of residents were at the Kane County Government Center on Monday, June 2, to pay their property-tax bills on the final deadline…
A two-decades-long dream of building a new bridge corridor over the Fox River in northern Kane County takes a leap forward Wednesday, June 4, with…
Mark D. Armstrong, CIAO, Kane County’s supervisor of assessments since 2006, has nearly 30 years of experience in property valuation. Click here for more about Mark. To…
U.S. Representative Randy Hultgren (IL-14) today released a statement following the resignation of Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki: “I thank Secretary Shinseki for…
So, we’re riding the elevator from the third floor to the Treasurer’s Office on the second floor, where I’m supposed to take the annual, traditional photo of…