WARNING: This article might be TMI. TMI, of course, stands for Too Much Information, and the stuff provided by the Kane County Health Department in the links…
McCormick & Company, Incorporated is initiating a voluntary recall of McCormick® Ground Oregano, 0.75 oz. bottle, UPC 0-523561-6 with code dates BEST BY AUG 21…
The Illinois Department of Public Health has confirmed the first human West Nile virus case reported in Illinois for 2014. The Chicago Department of Public Health reported…
The Kane County Healthy Places Coalition promoted the Illinois Radon Video Contest among all the high schools in Kane County through principals, science, math and…
7 Hills Healthcare is inviting all community families to join in a 3K Hero Fun Run & Summer Bash on Saturday, Aug. 9. The event is free,…
The California Department of Public Health warned consumers on Monday not to eat VR Green Farms jarred food products because the products may have been improperly produced, making…
Kane County Health Department’s submission to the Illinois Department of Public Health’s SHIP (State Health Improvement Plan) Video Challenge was selected for funding. The video…
The Kane County Health Department is warning consumers about carob products that have been identified as possible health risks related to Salmonella contamination. Earth Circle…
The Kane County Health Department is warning consumers about carob products that have been identified as possible health risks related to Salmonella contamination. Earth Circle…