It’s time for the 146th annual Kane County Fair! Enjoy the noise on Wednesday, July 16 through Sunday, July 20, 2014 at the Kane County…
People all over Kane County are celebrating literacy and good, old-fashioned neighborliness this summer by installing Little Free Libraries. The idea isn’t anything new,…
Dave Barry (RIP, just kidding) used to do an ongoing column patterned after the revered New York Times magazine “On Language” column written by news legend…
Well, I have to admit. I was very pleased and proud of your participation in our FIRST EVER AND PLUPERFECTLY UNOFFICIAL KANE COUNTY…
You can spend a lifetime in journalism or scouring the pages of the local newspaper, and it’s hard to say what stories are your…
BP Products North America Inc. of Naperville donated nine bicycles with training wheels to CASA Kane County, a local nonprofit, volunteer organization that advocates for…
Sorry for the pun, but events really do heat up during the summer months, and we want to do our best to help Kane…
When Swedish Ambassador Björn Lyrvall came to Geneva, IL, for a visit on May 23 at Riverside Receptions, he was greeted by an array…
Not that anyone really cares, but I made a presentation Tuesday to the Kane County Committee of the Whole, updating them on the progress we’re…
“Freedom is not free — It must be earned and preserved by each succeeding generation.” The inscription on the Kane County Veteran’s Memorial, the…