Psst! Buddy! Want to get a good deal on some surplus equipment? The Kane County Forest Preserve District has some fabulous stuff at fabulous prices,…
From dance hall to spiritual retreat center, Tekakwitha Woods has a fascinating history. Now, you can learn about the origin of the preserve’s name, its…
For 100 years, the Fabyan Windmill has been located at the Fabyan Forest Preserve in Geneva, and the Forest Preserve District of Kane County has…
The Forest Preserve District of Kane County invites parents and grandparents with young children out to Creek Bend Nature Center, to enjoy our monthly “Story…
Campground users are asked to take an alternative route to enter Big Rock Campground, May 18 through June 15, due to road construction. Work is…
Damsels, dragons and darners, oh my! Learn all about damselflies, dragonflies and darners on this guided hike as you “hunt” for them in their native…
The Fabyan Forest Preserve windmill is celebrating its 100th birthday this year, and the party begins Saturday, May 16, with its official opening for the…
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning is conducting a study from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. May 12 to identify a bike route to connect…
Make plans to “Camp Local” this year, with the Forest Preserve District of Kane County. You don’t have to drive far or spend a fortune…
As part of May Safety Month, the Forest Preserve District of Kane County is hosting a “Boating Safely” course by the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary….