Live in Batavia Township or Big Rock Township? Then you have until July 31 to file a complaint about your property tax assessment. The 2017…
Live in Aurora Township? Then you have the month of August to file a complaint about your property tax assessment. The 2016 assessment changes for…
Property owners in Campton Township have until Aug. 15, 2016, to file a complaint about their property-tax assessments. The 2016 assessment changes for property in…
UPDATE: 9AM THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 An oops moment in the publication of property assessment changes means folks in Batavia Township and Burlington Township will…
The 2015 assessment changes for Virgil Township are being published Thursday, July 23, 2015, in theĀ Elburn Herald. As of that date, you can also view…
Hey, Aurora Township residents! (Yes, that means you, whether you live in the city of Aurora or unincorporated areas of Aurora Township.) Your property assessments…
The 2015 assessment changes for Dundee Township are being published Wednesday, July 8, in theĀ Elgin Courier-News. For folks living in Dundee Township, that means the…
The 2015 assessment changes for Big Rock Township are being published Tuesday, June 2, in the Aurora Beacon-News. Publication starts the clock ticking for anyone…
And so it begins. The 2015 assessment changes for one Kane County Township are being published Monday, May 18, 2015. Hampshire Township assessment changes are…