Aurora Police Officer Dean Tucker is the winner of the Louis Spuhler Award, the Kane County Chiefs of Police Association’s highest award for outstanding police…
They saved lives, solved murders, made sure felons were charged and undertook other heroic actions that officials say happen in Aurora — and across the…
The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, Aliso Viejo, CA, has conferred a silver-level Beacon Award for Excellence on the Intensive Care Unit at Rush-Copley Medical…
Lazarus House in St. Charles has won an AT&T “Investing in Illinois Award” for its non-profit work to help people in Illinois. Lazarus House will…
Presence Saint Joseph Hospital – Elgin has been awarded the Illinois Hospital Association Institute for Innovations in Care and Quality’s 2015 Quality Excellence Achievement Award…
The Forest Preserve District of Kane County was honored with two major conservation awards presented by the Chicago Wilderness alliance on Dec. 11. Johnson’s Mound…
he Fox Valley Park District has been recognized as an Illinois Distinguished Accredited Agency by the Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Park…
The city of St. Charles has been named Municipality of the Year for its “commitment to reliable and innovative service to its electric customers.” St. Charles…
The Elgin Police Department has been named by the International Association of Chiefs of Police as a finalist for the prestigious IACP/Thomson Reuters Award for…
The Kane County Health Department was honored at the 2014 annual conference of the National Association of County and City Health Officials, an organization representing…