Editor’s Note: The following is a roundup of election results from the April 4, 2017, consolidated election based on information available April 5 on the…
11 AM APRIL 5 UPDATE Irvin Defeats Guzman in Close Race For Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin has defeated Rick Guzman in a tight race for…
Editor’s Note: The sources for this article are the Aurora Election Commission results website, the Kane County Clerk’s Office election webpage and the DuPage County…
Hillary Clinton won Illinois, but Bernie Sanders was the Democratic Party favorite in Kane County, according to March 15 General Primary election results posted by…
The following are unofficial results for the five Kane County referendums on the March 15, 2016, General Primary ballot, as provided on the Kane County…
By now, well-informed citizen that you are (you look marvelous, by the way), I’m sure you know who won election yesterday to Illinois’ statewide offices. (Although, as…
Editor’s note: This article was updated to reflect additional information about the Gail Borden Library District referendum. In the best of all possible worlds,…