Kane County Recycles is “charged up” following the news that it has received an Illinois EPA grant for $2,000 to be used in 2015 for education…
The city of Aurora has announced the first four dates in 2015 at which old and unwanted electronics can be dropped off for recycling. This…
Kane County residency has its privileges. The Kane County Recycles event from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday at 540 S. Randall Road in St. Charles…
Yes, it’s the holiday season, and there’s a lot to do before Dec. 25, but there’s also a recycling event this weekend that you probably aren’t going…
If you’re an alert reader of Kane County Connects or simply a citizen who cares about protecting the environment, you’re probably well aware of Kane…
Kane County Recycles is hosting a free electronics and books recycling event from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 11, at 540 S. Randall Road in…
Give yourselves a round of applause, Kane County! Thanks to you, 100,000 pounds of electronics — that’s 50 tons, enough to fill 4.5 semi-trailer trucks —…
Kane County Recycles is recycling electronics and books from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 9, at 540 S Randall in St. Charles. On Aug. 9, you…
Kane County’s Free Monthly Collection Event for Electronics and Book Recycling is coming up May 10 at 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles. Hours: 8…