With seasonal influenza activity at high levels across the United States and in Kane County, the Kane County Health Department is making flu shots available…
Influenza is officially “widespread” in the state of Illinois and numbers in Kane County are way up, according to reports by the Centers For Disease…
The percentage of flu-related hospitalizations continues to go up in Kane County as the Centers For Disease Control estimates that at least 1,300 have died…
Every year the flu sickens millions of Americans, hospitalizes hundreds of thousands, and kills tens of thousands. Catching the flu can be as easy as…
Flu numbers are jumping again in Kane County — a rare Week 10 increase in emergency room percentages, intensive care unit admissions, school absenteeism and…
The flu just keeps hanging on in Kane County, IL, neither spiking through the roof nor fizzling away. The Kane County Health Department’s weekly influenza…
Flu-related visits to the emergency room stayed high for the third week in a row, according to information released today (Friday, Jan. 18) in the…
Influenza surveillance for the Kane County Health Department show that the number of emergency room visits due to flu-like illness actually dropped a bit —…
The Kane County Health Department is starting a campaign to “Spread Fun, Not Flu,” following the news of the first Kane County pediatric death of…
The Kane County Health Department is reporting the first pediatric death of the flu season. No details about the flu-related pediatric death have been released…