Live in Batavia Township or Big Rock Township? Then you have until July 31 to file a complaint about your property tax assessment. The 2017…
Live in Aurora Township? Then you have the month of August to file a complaint about your property tax assessment. The 2016 assessment changes for…
Editor’s Note: The filing deadline for Kaneville and Blackberry townships has been extended to Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016, due to a publishing error by the…
Property owners in Campton Township have until Aug. 15, 2016, to file a complaint about their property-tax assessments. The 2016 assessment changes for property in…
Interested in challenging the assessed value of your property this year? If you live in Big Rock or Burlington townships, you have about a month…
UPDATE: 9AM THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 An oops moment in the publication of property assessment changes means folks in Batavia Township and Burlington Township will…
The 2016 assessment changes for property in Hampshire Township are being published Wednesday, June 1, in the Fox Valley Daily Herald, which means the final…
So, Rutland Township residents, what’s the value of your property? You won’t have wait long for the most up-to-date information. The 2015 assessment changes for…
Hey, Aurora Township residents! (Yes, that means you, whether you live in the city of Aurora or unincorporated areas of Aurora Township.) Your property assessments…
Curious about the tax assessment for your St. Charles Township property? Well, you’re in luck because 2015 assessment changes for St. Charles Township are being…