Should the St. Charles library expand or renovate? That’s one of the key questions the library will be asking the public to answer during a…
After a three-year hiatus, the Prisco Community Center is back in line for a major overhaul that will include expansion of the fitness center and…
Rush-Copley’s Family Birth Center has just completed a major renovation to help the community welcome their babies into the world. Rush-Copley’s Family Birth Center labor,…
The new elevator at the historic Kane County Courthouse on Third Street in Geneva was up and running as of Friday, July 24, 2015 —…
CASA Kane County was recently awarded a challenge grant by the Dunham Fund, Aurora, IL. The dollar-for-dollar match, up to $100,000, will cover costs for…
Anderson Animal Shelter plans to shut down for the month of September for the construction and renovations. Some of the shelter animals will be moved to…
The 40-year-old Anderson Animal Shelter building, located at 1000 South La Fox, in South Elgin, will be getting a shelter makeover thanks to a generous…