Do you own property in Rutland Township? Interested in your property tax assessments? Then you’ll want to know that the 2019 assessment changes for property…
The 2018 assessment changes for property in Batavia, Rutland and Virgil townships are being published Thursday, June 21. Batavia Township changes are being published in…
Heads up if you live in Elgin or Rutland townships! The 2017 assessment changes for property in Elgin and Rutland townships are being published Friday,…
Want to know if your property tax assessment will change this year? If you live in Dundee Township or Rutland Township, you’ll have a chance…
So, Rutland Township residents, what’s the value of your property? You won’t have wait long for the most up-to-date information. The 2015 assessment changes for…
Hey, if you live in Rutland Township, your assessment changes are being published Thursday, July 10, in The Elgin Courier-News. And for the record, you can also find…