Geneva Considering Dunkin' Donuts at Long-Vacant Gas Station

Geneva Considering Dunkin’ Donuts at Long-Vacant Gas Station

The city of Geneva is considering a proposal that would turn a long-vacant gas station on the city’s East Side into a Dunkin’ Donuts franchise.

According to a proposal by Eric Carlson, ECA Architects and Planners, posted on the city’s website, Carlson is seeking a special use in the city’s B-2 Zoning District for a drive-through restaurant at 206 E. State St.

The proposed project is a stand-alone Dunkin’ Donuts making use of the existing, abandoned gas station building located at the southeast corner of Route 38 and Crissey Avenue by updating the existing exterior elevations, providing a new interior layout and constructing two small additions, an enclosed cooler/freezer unit and a drive-through window bump-out.

“It is the intent of the project to aesthetically and functional improve the site by also providing off-street parking for patrons and expanding the on-site landscaping while maintaining existing pedestrian paths and vehicle access,” the project narrative says.

The project maintains the planned uses found within both the Geneva Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Area Master Plan. In addition to providing ample off-street parking, it is designed to avoid increasing traffic by relying on existing traffic flow and closing off the extraneous west-most access drive along State Street per the request of the city, further reducing potential traffic congestion caused by the former gas station.

The narrative says the proposed elevations introduce many of Dunkin’ Donuts’ prototype design elements, making it one of the first in the Chicago area to showcase the new image.

“The design will enhance property values,” the narrative states.

SOURCE: city of Geneva website